Quality Management

On 21/01 and 22/01/2014 the “IFS certification” for “Food” version 6 was successfully attained with the rating of “Higher Level”.

EISA-Sachsen GmbH has been a member of the Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry e.V. (KAT) since 01 April 2013.

EISA-Sachsen GmbH is also subject to requirements and monitoring in accordance with article 29, para. 1, of Reg. (EC) 834/2007 and Reg. (EC) 889/2008. We fulfil the criteria for the production of ecological egg products (organic products). DE-ÖKO-024
Energy Management
In December 2015 our energy management system was certified according to ISO 50001:2011 for the first time.